Billy Corgan 2016-05-29: Difference between revisions

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== Banter ==
== Banter ==
'''Space Oddity'''
'''For God and Country'''
BC: Alright.
BC: You good?
Jeff: Yeah.
'''Double R'''
BC: Heh heh.  ''(crowd laughs)''  What was that?  What, he said he wasn’t going to do it.  ...  It’s William now, but thanks.  See, that’s - when grown men started calling me Bill, I knew it was time to change my name.  ...  Sorry, we’re just taping.
Lady in crowd: My daughter’s a Billie.
BC: Well, hopefully she won’t have the same problem.  You know it’s weird, about 38, guys started calling me Bill all the time.  [[William Corgan Sr.|My father]] was Billy, so I was always Little Bill and then when I matured, I became Bill, which I hated.  So then I was 18, then I became Billy.
Jeff: Billy?
BC: Yeah, everyone calls me Bill now.
Jeff: Yeah.
unknown guy: Alright, we’re ready.
BC: We’re rolling, okay.
Jeff: Should we get an authorization?
'''Real Love'''
BC: Thank you.  ...  Ready?
Jeff: I’m good.
'''There is a Time'''
'''Red Dirt'''
BC: You good?
Jeff: Ready.
'''Tom Tom'''
'''The Spaniards'''
BC: Thank you very much.
'''Living After Midnight''' (tease)
BC: Any questions?  Yeah, whatever.  ...
Jeff: ''(whispering)'' Lost my memory.
BC: What’s that?
Jeff: Test my memory here.
BC: Test your memory?
Jeff: I’m blanking out at this time.  It’s, it’s, got some surprises.
BC: You’re a pro, man.
Jeff: I know.  Tell me so.
BC: Play “Stump Jeff”?
Jeff: Got the [1-2 unintelligible words].
BC: So we just have a few more, but thank you before we run away, appreciate it.
Girl in crowd: Don’t go.
BC: We can end right now, young lady.  I’ve quit for less.  Where’s that country they’re still mad at us because we quit early?
Jeff: [unintelligible]?
BC: Costa Rica?
Jeff: [unintelligible].
BC: Remember?  We played a festival, they’re still mad.
Jeff: [unintelligible].
BC: Like Costa Rica or something.
Jeff: Yeah.  I remember the [1-2 unintelligible words].  We’ve never been back, so I think that’s the [unintelligible].  It’s been a while [unintelligible word].
BC: I think we were playing or I was playing Disarm and I looked out in the crowd and I was just like, “That’s it” and I left.
Jeff: No, [[The_Smashing_Pumpkins_2008-02-14|that was Manchester, that was in England]].  ''[Ed: Both Billy and Jeff are misremembering some details about the location of the show.]''
BC: That was Manchester, England!
Jeff: ''(laughing)'' Yeah, you right.  And remember when that British band, the Luminators, said like how and when they were mean.
BC: Oh, that was the band that said I couldn’t look them in the eye.
Jeff: Yeah.
BC: Or they couldn’t look me in the eye.
Jeff: Yeah.
''(short pause)''
BC: ''(under his breath)'' Whatever.  Sorry.  ''(normal volume)'' One, two - oh, okay, why don’t we just start it?
Jeff: That’d be you, that’d be you.
BC: Just do whatever I want?
Jeff: Do whatever you want.
'''This Time'''
BC: Ready?
Jeff: ''(laughing hard)''
BC: Thank you very much.