"Crush" is a song from The Smashing Pumpkins' debut studio album, Gish. It was originally known as "Hippy Trippy" , a version that was released on the 2011 deluxe reissue of Gish.

Song by The Smashing Pumpkins
ReleasedMay 28, 1991
Studio sessions
Songwriter(s)Billy Corgan

The jingly noise heard during "Crush" is Corgan's bell necklace.[1]


"Hippy Trippy" (Crush Music Box Demo)


you wrap your arms around
a feeling that surrounds
like liquid peppermint
just taste the drinks that she sent

and this feeling shivers down your spine
love comes in colors i can't deny
all that matters is love, love, your love

you're sleeping in your bed
just rest your weary head
maybe you shouldn't care
throw away those dreams and dares

and i wonder if it matters to me
love comes in colors i can't deny
all that shimmers is love, love, your love
your love
your love


GishMain releaseStudio
Mashed PotatoesBootleg
Ghost Children/Friends and EnemiesTribute

Tour stats


  1. Official Smashing Pumpkins VIZ promotion, March 2022

External linksEdit