Billy Corgan 2004-10-23

Revision as of 15:48, 9 November 2005 by (talk)
Billy Corgan
Date 2004-10-23
Venue The Soiled Dove
Location Denver, CO, US
Venue Type Unknown
Notes Poetry and song performances. Set likely out of order.
Surfaced Recordings
PRO #1a
Source WWW
Format WMV
Equipment PC
Length 45m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation WMV(M)
Notes Billy accompanied by Yungchen Llamo
Unsurfaced Recordings
PRO #1
Source PRO
Format VID
Equipment Pro-Cams
Length Unknown
Complete? Yes


  • This Precious Human Birth (Yungchen solo)
  • Dedicated To His Holiness, The Dalai Lama (Yungchen solo)
  • A Long Way From Carnegie Hall (Yungchen accompanied by Billy)
  • A Tribute To Hope & Meaning, post-9-11 (Yungchen accompanied by Billy)
  • Happiness (Yungchen accompanied by Billy)
  • Selections from Blinking With Fists
    (including audience member readings)
  • Seven Questions (Billy talking)

