SPCodex:Privacy policy

From SPCodex, The Smashing Pumpkins wiki

SPCodex is committed to preserving your privacy and being transparent about how we use information collected through our site. This privacy policy, which is subject to change, describes what and how we use your data. We were originally hosted by a third party provider called Miraheze, and as such we have retained much of their same privacy policy.

1. Contributions

1.1 Public Content. In general, all content (pages, images, files, etc.) on SCodex is public, including any contributions made by SPCodex community members. The history of every edit to content made through the Services is publicly displayed and retained indefinitely by SPCodex. Even if an article is "deleted," a website administrator or volunteer may still see what was removed from public view. Aside from the rare times when SPCodex is required to delete editing-history in response to a court order or legal process, there is no guarantee that permanent deletion will occur.

1.2 Individual Contributions. If you contribute or edit content on through the Services ("Contributions"), your Contributions will be visible to the public and may show up in search results of third-party search engines. If you have registered an account with SPCodex, your Contributions will be associated with your username. If you have not registered with SPCodex, your Contributions will be associated with your IP Address.

2. Information Collected by SPCodex

As part of the services, we may collect the following types of information from you when you use the services ("User Information"):

2.1 Registration Information. In order to access certain portions of the services you must complete a registration form. In this registration form, we collect certain personal information, such as your email address, username and password. Your email address will remain private, unless you choose to post it on public facing portions of the services, such as your user page. Please use discretion on what you choose to post on public facing portions of the services, as it will be available to the public and may show up in search results of third-party engines.

2.2 Username. You will also be asked to create a username, which will be used to identify when you are logged onto the services, and to identify your contributions to the services. Again, your username will be visible to the public, and may show up in search results of third-party search engines.

2.3 Optional user information: As a registered user, you may choose to share more details publicly. You may provide your name, a personal website, share your email address, and talk about yourself on your user page. Please use discretion on what you choose to post on public facing portions of the services, as it will be available to the public and may show up in search results of third-party engines. If provided, your name may be used to identify your contributions to SPCodex, and may be used by third parties as a means to attribute your contributions.

2.4 Usage Information. SPCodex may collect certain usage data, such as your IP address, URL request, browser type, and the date and time of a request. SPCodex may use cookies (as further described below) or other automated mechanisms to collect this information and may collect this information on an aggregate or individual basis. SPCodex uses this information for statistical purposes to help administer, manage and improve our site, prevent abuse, analyze trends, and to tailor your user experience. SPCodex honors the Do Not Track header and does not collect analytics data from users who have enabled this feature on their browser.

2.5 IP Address. Contributions made by unregistered users will be publicly identified by that user’s IP Address.

3. Cookies

Cookies are small files that SPCodex can send to your browser for storage on your computer. Cookies make using the services easier by saving your status and preferences and refreshing them every time you use the site. For instance, SPCodex may use cookies to recognize you when you return to the site so that you do not have to resubmit your log-in credentials. In order to clear this logon information, for example if using a public terminal, you should log out of your account. While many browsers allow you to change your settings in order to refuse cookies or to be alerted when cookies are being sent, SPCodex recommends that you leave cookies enabled, as disabling cookies may prevent you from using and may interfere with some functionality of the Services.

Cookies are not required to browse SPCodex, but are technically required for some features. SPCodex uses cookies for:

  • Maintaining logged in status, using an account, and setting preferences; or
  • Gathering usage information for statistical purposes. This may be disabled by setting your browser to send a Do Not Track header. Use of this data is subject to the restrictions of Section 6 below.

No personally identifiable information will be disclosed to any third party by your use of cookies.

4. Archiving

SPCodex may retain user information collected through the site indefinitely for restorative, archival, or research purposes. Your personal information is kept private and stored securely until a time it is no longer required or has no use.

SPCodex retains individual Usage Information for 90 days, after which it is deleted.

5. Email Communications

SPCodex may send you emails to inform you of changes in the services, new service offerings or other information related to your use of our site. If you do not want to receive promotional emails from SPCodex, please visit your user preferences.

In addition to automated messages sent by the software we use, users with verified email addresses may wish to communicate with each other. By default, if you have a verified email address, other users may use a Special page (Special:EmailUser) to send messages to you and vice versa. When you use the email feature to send a message, SPCodex will send an email to the recipient of your choice which includes your email address and the content you chose to send. Your email address is not revealed when others contact you. EmailUser functionality may be enabled or disabled in your preferences.

6. Sharing of Information

SPCodex does not share any user information with third parties. If we ever feel there's a reason to do so, we won't without your prior consent. Nonetheless, in order to maximize your user experience on our site, the following entities may have access to some user information:

6.1 SPCodex personnel. SPCodex personnel may have access to user information as necessary for SPCodex to operate its site and to provide you with reliable services.

6.2 Data Analysis. SPCodex may use, transfer, and share aggregated, anonymous data derived from user information with the editing community, researchers, journalists, funders and other third parties that SPCodex may choose to work with. This data will not include any personally identifiable information.