The Smashing Pumpkins 1998-05-28

From SPCodex, The Smashing Pumpkins wiki
Revision as of 22:14, 23 September 2007 by >Rhinowing
The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1998-05-28
Venue Botanique Gardens
Location Brussels, BE
Venue Type Botanical Gardens
Capacity 1800 (more watching from outside the venue)
Surfaced Recordings
FM #1
Source FM
Format DAT
Equipment Unknown
Length 73m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation DDC-?>CDR
Notes To Sheila, Once Upon a Time, Ava Adore, Crestfallen, Tear, Daphne Descends, Tonight Tonight, Stumbleine, Shame, For Martha, and 1979.
Live Music Archive 16-bit recording
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format MD
Equipment Unknown
Length 126m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation MD-?>CDR
Unknown #1
Source Unknown
Format Unknown
Equipment Unknown
Length 121m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation Unknown Media/Gen>"Transmissions" commercial bootleg
Notes Seems to be from either an FM or TV source.
Live Music Archive 16-bit recording
Unknown #2
Source Unknown
Format Unknown
Equipment Unknown
Length 73m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation Unknown Media/Gen>"Fallin' Out of Sleep" commercial bootleg
Notes Seems to be from either an FM or TV source. To Sheila, Once Upon a Time, Ava Adore, Crestfallen, Tear, Perfect, Tonight Tonight, Stumbeline, Shame, For Martha, and 1979.
Unknown #3
Source Unknown
Format Unknown
Equipment Unknown
Length 75m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation Unknown Media/Gen>"17 Seconds" commercial bootleg
Notes Seems to be from either an FM or TV source. To Sheila, Once Upon a Time, Ava Adore, Crestfallen, Tear, Daphne Descends, Tonight Tonight, Bullet with Butterfly Wings, Shame, and For Martha.
Unknown #4
Source Unknown
Format Unknown
Equipment Unknown
Length ~35m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation Unknown Media/Gen>"Another 17 Seconds" commercial bootleg
Notes Seems to be from either an FM or TV source. Stumbeline, 1979, and Transmission.
PRO #1a
Source TV
Format VHS
Equipment Unknown
Length 86m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation VHS-1>DVD
Notes Missing Thru the Eyes of Ruby and Transmission.
PRO #1b
Source TV
Format VHS
Equipment Unknown
Length 54m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation VHS-?>VCD
Notes Missing Thru the Eyes of Ruby, Shame, For Martha, 1979, and Transmission. Interspersed with interview.
Unsurfaced Recordings
FM #2
Source FM
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown
Notes There were three separate broadcasts of this show; a live broadcast, a 60m version (broadcast May 30th), and a version of unknown length (broadcast at an unknown date). Unsure which broadcast this is.
AUD #2
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment Unknown
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown
AMT #1
Source AUD
Format VID
Equipment Unknown
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown
PRO #1d
Source TV
Format VHS
Equipment Unknown
Length 115m
Complete? No
Notes Unsure which songs this contains. VHS-1>DVD transfer exists.
PRO #1e
Source TV
Format VHS
Equipment Unknown
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown
Notes Unsure which songs this contains. Possibly the same as other PRO sources. Can anyone confirm?
PRO #1
Source PRO
Format VID
Equipment Pro-Cams
Length ~130m
Complete? Yes



  • To Sheila
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Ava Adore
  • Crestfallen
    • Eye (tease)
  • Tear
  • Daphne Descends
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
  • Perfect
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Stumbleine
  • (percussion solo)
    • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Shame
  • For Martha


  • 1979
  • Transmission [Joy Division]
    • Help [The Beatles] (tease)



Photos & Memorabilia
